Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Details

Ommundsen, W. 2007, 'She'll be right, mate: multiculturalism and the culture of benign neglect', in D. Callahan (eds), Australia who cares?, Network Books, Curtin University of Technology, Perth WA.


Thirty years after its introduction, the meaning, impact and politics of multiculturalism are still contested issues in Australia-so contested, in fact, that this article provoked reactions even before it was written. On the basis of the title alone, I was approached by one person who congratulated me on having at long last left the 'multicultural orthodoxy' behind; another took me to task for 'misrepresenting multiculturalism'; and a third for trivialising a matter of crucial importance to Australian society and culture. My title was, and is, a response to concerns evoked by the overall theme of this collection: 'Australia: who cares?' but, in my title, 'She'll be right, mate' was always in quotation marks, and so intended to reference a certain stereotype of Australian lazy optimism without thereby endorsing it. Moreover, in the subtitle, 'multiculturalism' and 'the culture of benign neglect' are linked by the word 'and', not 'or'; in other words, the article proposes to explore the relationship between one and the other but does not suggest that they are interchangeable.


