Publication Details

This book chapter is published as Chinnappan, M, Productive pedagogies and deep mathematical learning in a globalised world, in Kell, P, Vialle, W, Konza, D and Vogl, G (eds), Learning and the learner: exploring learning for new times, University of Wollongong, 2008, 236p. Complete book available here.


In recent years the educational community at large has been giving attention to teaching practices that would create citizenry that are capable of independent thought and innovation. As a consequence, this theme has been given prominence in reforms that are being supported by policy makers and curriculum developers. While such a move can be seen as a welcome change, less has been said about the nature of knowledge and skills that learners need to be innovative and how these would empower them to be more productive and function effectively in a globalized society. The issue has received attention in discussions about deep vs. surface level thinking in the context of learning and understanding school subjects. Specifically, levels of thinking that learners ought to demonstrate with respect to particular school subjects has been considered from the perspective of quality of knowledge that learners construct as they develop experience and expertise within that subject area.

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