

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


School of Mechanical, Materials, Mechatronic and Biomedical Engineering


Flow property testing is important in the design of handling equipment for bulk solids and the Jenike shear tester is a common and reliable method for ensuring flow from hoppers under the force of gravity alone. The Jenike shear test procedure has various stages and is known to have issues with operator dependency, questions have also been raised regarding the stress state within the shear cell.

Currently the data for high pressure flow functions, which are applicable to large capacity storage facilities, are extrapolated from low pressure test data using a 3-parameter equation. Very little literature is provided to support the use of the 3-parameter equation and most shear testing devices are limited to major consolidation stresses of 100 kPa.

FoR codes (2020)

401706 Numerical modelling and mechanical characterisation, 401411 Packaging, storage and transportation (excl. food and agricultural products)



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