

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of Economics - Faculty of Commerce


This thesis focuses on the teacher labour market in NSW and examines the effects of the current wage fixation system and labour market conditions on the quantity and quality of teachers in NSW high schools. Allowing for the budget constraints facing the NSW Government and other employer groups, this thesis explores alternative ways to increase teacher utility and thus incentives to work as teachers through improvements in nonwage amenities. This thesis uses hedonic wage theory to examine how workers will try to maximise their utility based on their individual preferences for wage and nonwage amenities and applies this framework to the high school teacher labour market in NSW. The thesis suggests ways of improving the level of teacher satisfaction (utility) in NSW high schools with the aim of improving teacher retention rates and attracting more high quality university graduates to the teaching profession. These policy recommendations are designed to alleviate the shortages of teachers that already exist in some disciplines and locations. In addition, the shortage of teachers is likely to grow unless remedial actions are taken. The promotion of greater job satisfaction among teachers may not only help to alleviate this shortage but can also lead to increased teacher effectiveness, which ultimately affects student achievement.



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