

Degree Name

Master of Education


School of Learning Studies


This research study set out to examine the relationship between teacher beliefs and teaching practices and assessment practices in English as a second language (ESL) education. Two teachers, one from primar7 level and one from secondary level, v^ere selected for a naturalistic study which focussed on: 1) what factor(s) Influence teachers' beliefs; and 2) the links between teacher beliefs and practices to ESL education which contribute to the second language development of the ESL learners within the classroom situation. The study Illuminates the importance of articulation of the theories of the first and the second language acquisition and teachers' confidence in what they do and why they do> It further demonstrates that the nature of this relationship Is linked to the degree of congruence within the teachers' beliefs as well as the degree of congruence between teachers' beliefs and their teaching and assessment practices. Also, the results of this project Indicate that teachers' beliefs do influence their teaching and assessment practices, and are determined by four external factors; these are; the learners' responses; school programs; teaching experience and professional development courses. In addition, this project was found to be a worthwhile professional development activity for both the researcher and the teachers,



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