

Degree Name

Doctor of Psycology(Clinical)


School of Psychology


Antidepressant medications are an effective treatment option for individuals with depression. However, significantly sub-optimal adherence has been observed in up to 44% of primary care patients. Almost 40% of patients who discontinue their medication experience a return of symptoms. Adherence interventions are therefore important, but often require delivery by highly trained clinicians (e.g. physicians). In Australia adherence interventions need to have the capacity to be delivered by a variety of professionals as a diverse range of clinicians (e.g. allied health) provide services to primary care patients under a number of government funded initiatives. However, many clinicians lack the requisite knowledge, skills, and beliefs to facilitate adherence. Addressing this need is important given that clinicians' beliefs may influence the type of treatment that patients receive, such as whether support is provided to the patient to use their medication more effectively. Researchers in Australia and the UK report successful attempts to increase clinicians' skills, knowledge, and beliefs to facilitate adherence to antipsychotic medication. Furthermore, when trained clinicians work to facilitate adherence among patients with psychosis, significant increases in adherence and reductions in psychopathology are obtained, compared with treatment as usual. There are few studies that focus on improving medication adherence skills in clinicians working with depressive disorders.



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