This page contains links to Honours research theses for the area of Law, Humanities and the Arts. All University of Wollongong masters by research and PhD theses are posted online at the UOW Theses series.


Theses from 2023


The Transgender Person and Pictures of the Mind and Body: An Exploration of Thought Experiments, Transition, and Bad Faith, Josie Hurley


Narrativising Episodic Memory: From Memory Episodes to Micronarratives, Shaani Jag


“Marked in my book of life”: Imagining Embodied Female Selfhood in the Victorian Novel, Jasmin Pike


Dr. Faustus and free will: an alternative interpretation of Marlowe’s play, Geoff Weir

Theses from 2021


Going against the flow: a sociotechnical network analysis of endemic acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease in remote indigenous communities of Australia, Elizabeth Maree Carter


Out Of Sight… In Plain Sight: How everyday policing practices are reproducing the settler colonial state’s territorial claims, Abby Tozer

Theses from 2014


‘Not like ordinary times’: aspects of Australian nurses’ experiences during the Great War, Jaclyn Hopkins


Our guys were very good. We were a very capable battery, in fact we were an arrogant bunch. We were good: Fire Support Patrol Base Coral 12 May to 6 June 1968, South Vietnam, Mark Jamieson

Theses from 2013


Capturing captivity: Australian prisons of the Great War, Julia Smart

Theses from 2012


Television Nations: Imagined Communities in the Simpsons, Travis Holland

Theses from 2008


Council approaches to implementing sustainability - a case of re-arranging deck chairs on the Titanic?, Carmel Dunn

Theses from 2006


Returning to the Scene of the Crime: The Brothers Grimm and the Yearning for Home, Maureen Clack

Theses from 2005

The Illawarra Women's Health Centre: from conception to twenty years of operation, Melanie Anne Miller

Theses from 2004


"Days of tears and longing": war, grief and memory in the Illawarra 1914-1925, Jennifer Hawksley


Culture, class & experience in the Australian Flying Corps, Michael W.J Molkentin


"Thoughtful feedback": public participation and the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator, Kerry Ross

Theses from 2001


Post-war Portuguese migration to the Illawarra, Kerrie Halilovic

Theses from 1998


The impact of the 1949 Coal Strike on the Illawarra community and its responses, Alastair James Grant Buchan

Theses from 1995


Health and disease as portrayed in the mass media, Julia Louise Nuttall

Theses from 1994


An investigation of the response of the coal-mining community of Southern New South Wales to adversity during a period of economic depresssion between 1893 and 1897, in an endeavour to ascertain how unified that community was and the degree to which it provided an effective industrial force in support of the fledgeling political labour movement, Donald Sinclair Fraser

Theses from 1986


Unemployed youth in the urban Illawarra, Ron Mehmet

Theses from 1984


The Illawarra Trades and Labour Council in depression, recovery, and war, 1926-1945, Shirley Nixon

Theses from 1982


The mathematical background of primary teachers in the Illawarra Region, 1962-1981, Dianne Snow

Theses from 1981


Illawarra Methodism in the nineteenth century: a comparative study of Wesleyan and primitive Methodism in Wollongong, 1838-1902, Phyllis Tibbs

Theses from 1980


A study of the attitudes and activities of the Church of England in the Illawarra during the First World War, Susan Westwood

Theses from 1977


Conspiracy aspects of the 1917 strike, W. Jurkiewicz

Theses from 1976


People at the polls: a geographical analysis of a local government election, Wollongong, 1974, Robert James Hermann