Supporting Families and Carers
This chapter provides guidance for practitioners that will assist them to support families and carers with a family member or friend affected by severe mental illness. It begins by identifying some of the components of burden of care for families and then provides recommendations regarding provision of psychoeducation, collaboration with families in provision of services and recovery support. It also describes the use of problem-solving and strengths-focused techniques to assist families to manage challenges associated with care, as well as orient them towards their own personal and relational empowerment. The chapter concludes with a section that outlines the benefits of support provided by peers and provides links to some peer support resources.
Publication Details
King, R. & Crowe, T. P. (2012). Supporting Families and Carers. In R. King, C. Lloyd, T. Meehan, F. P. Deane & D. J. Kavanagh (Eds.), Manual of Psychosocial Rehabilitation (pp. 194-207). West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.