Factors associated with practitioners' use of exposure therapy for childhood anxiety disorders



Publication Details

Whiteside, S., Deacon, B., Benito, K. & Stewart, E. (2016). Factors associated with practitioners' use of exposure therapy for childhood anxiety disorders. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 40 29-36.


Copyright 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.The current study examines factors related to use of exposure therapy by clinicians who treat children with anxiety disorders. A sample of 331 therapists from a variety of backgrounds (i.e., social workers, doctoral psychologists, masters level counselors, and marriage and family therapists) completed a survey regarding use of exposure and other treatment techniques for childhood anxiety disorders, as well as beliefs about exposure and child resiliency. Although the majority of therapists endorsed a CBT orientation (81%) and use of CBT techniques, exposure therapy was rarely endorsed. Holding a PhD in psychology as well as more positive beliefs about exposure and child resiliency were associated with greater use of exposure. The results suggest that exposure-based therapy is rarely offered in community settings and that dissemination should focus on individual evidence-based principles and correcting therapist misconceptions.

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