The number of Australians over the age of 65 years is expected to double by 2021. Many older Australians suffer from one or more chronic diseases - including cancer, coronary heart disease, respiratory diseases (AIHW, 2009) resulting in increased morbidity and mortality, lower quality of life and a higher need for health care (Hickey and Stilwell, 1991). There is increasing evidence that the adoption of healthy lifestyles can have significant benefits even into older age (Haveman-Nies et al, 2002). This project utilized a social marketing framework to support aged residents of retirement homes to adopt healthy lifestyle behaviours to improve their health.
Publication Details
Jones, S. C., Johnson, K. M., Phillipson, L., Hall, D., Robinson, L., Bonney, A. D. & Telenta, J. (2012). Using health risk assessments to target and tailor: An innovative social marketing program in aged care facilities.. In K. Kubacki & S. Rundle-Thiele (Eds.), 2012 International social marketing conference (ISM): conference proceedings (pp. 114-117). Australia: Department of Marketing, Griffith University.