Youth with mental illness: Attitudes towards and therapeutic benefits of residential stepped care
There is little research reporting the "lived experience" of young people undertaking treatment for mental health conditions. This pilot study explores the phenomenological experiences of a small group of six young people aged 14-18 years who were resident of a youth stepped-care mental health program in the Australian Capital Territory. Using semi-structured interviews, data were collected and two main themes emerged: (a) "Life engagement" and (b) "Relationships." Participants also provided responses on self-report measures at baseline and follow-up and feedback on aspects of the program. Further research is suggested to build on this study to increase research outcomes.
Publication Details
Magor-Blatch, L. E. & Ingham, L. (2015). Youth with mental illness: Attitudes towards and therapeutic benefits of residential stepped care. Community Mental Health Journal, 51 (3), 338-346.