Coral reefs under the climate and anthropogenic perturbations (CorReCAP): an IOC/WESTPAC approach



Publication Details

Zhang, J., Morrison, R. John., Yeemin, T. & Siringan, F. P. (2013). Coral reefs under the climate and anthropogenic perturbations (CorReCAP): an IOC/WESTPAC approach. Deep-Sea Research Part 2: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 96 1-4.


The tropical and subtropical Western Pacific Ocean region possesses an enormous marine biodiversity, but suffers impacts from a combination of high population density and a rapid economic development, a major result of which is high material inputs from land-based sources (i.e. rivers). Furthermore, this region is exposed to frequent climatic and oceanic perturbations, e.g., monsoons with episodic typhoons of ca. 10 events per year. The tropical and subtropical marine ecosystems of the Western Pacific Ocean are therefore particularly vulnerable to the combined effects of land-based human activities and ocean-/atmosphere-based climate events.

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