Publication Details

A. McCusker & N. Shukla (2012). Short report on: Inquiry into the utilisation of rail and infrastructure corridors. Prepared for the NSW Legislative Assembly, Committee on Transport and Infrastructure. Australia: University of Wollongong.


This report to the parliamentary inquiry addresses the use of land development for integrated infrastructure corridors and considers improvement to policy development, planning and strategies to achieve greater productivity, enhanced liveability and improved economic benefit through informed decision making. In considering rail corridor usage long term it is essential to support the needs of society through decision making that is underpinned by proper analysis and longer term modelling. In order to ensure any proposed interventions represent a step forward with respect to competiveness of the transport system, the liveability for affected residence and customers and the overall resilience to unexpected events. This report cites a number of case studies from Europe, Asia and the Americas where an informed and structured approach has yielded positive results.