An example of 'thin' agency: child domestic workers in Tanzania



Publication Details

Klocker, N. (2007). An example of 'thin' agency: child domestic workers in Tanzania. In R. Panelli, S. Punch & E. Robson (Eds.), Global perspectives on rural childhood and youth: young rural lives (pp. 83-94). New York: Routledge.


Child domestic works are children 'under the age of 18 who work in other people's households doing domestic chores, caring for children, and running errands, among other tasks' (UNICEF 1999:2). They can be paid in cash or kind and are employed by (and usually live in the homes of) adults who are not their parents. This chapter focuses on recent research centred on 'employing' three former child domestic workers (aged 14, 16 and 18) to be researchers and to undertake an investigation into CDW in the Iringa Region of Tanzania.

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