Publication Details

Rhodes, E. J., Chappell, J., Fujioka, T., Fitzsimmons, K., Magee, J., Aubert, M. & Hewitt, D. (2005). The history of aridity in Australia: chronological developments. In I. C. Roach (Eds.), Proceedings of the CRC Leme Regional Regolith Symposia (pp. 265-268). Western Australia: Bentley.


Desert dune-fields are quintessential features of arid landscapes. During arid phases in the recent geological past, such as the global last glacial maximum (LGM) at around 20,000 years ago, many parts of Australia experienced significant sand movement, with sand migrating down-wind and forming linear dunes. Sand entrainment and deposition is controlled by vegetative surface stabilisation, wind speed and direction, which in turn are controlled by regional climate and local factors including ground-water levels. Climate also affects sand supply, through its effects on erosion in the source areas and transport to the dune-building areas.
