Roadrunner 4(9) October 1981

Roadrunner 4(9) October 1981

Donald Robertson, Editor


Contents: 5. The Drum. 6. Speedboat/ Tactics/ Feral Cats in the Gloaming. 7. Snakes and Adders/ Stage B. 9. The Tigers. 11. New York, New York/ London. 13. Laughing Clowns. 15. Mental As Anything. 16. Matt Finish. 18. Bob Clearmountain/ Joyous Invasion. 19. The Cure. 20. John Doe’s Ruined Scene/ Slow Children. 21. David Johansen. 22. British Music Scene. 28. Alf Omega. 31. Sherbet. 34. Live Reviews—The Big 5/ Marc Hunter/ Mental As Anything/ The Particles/ People With Chairs Up Their Noses. 35. Live Reviews—Allniters/ Paul Kelly and the Dots/ NZ Pop/ The Singles. 36. Live Reviews—Foreign Body/ The Jumpers. 37. Single Reviews. 38. Album Reviews.