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Book title: Primavera '05 : exhibition by young Australian artists. ISBN: 1921034025 Madeleine Kelly
These works dramatise the familiar in order to create a more seductive dimension that might cause the viewer to drift elsewhere. to a stranger place where worlds collapse and intersect. Nature is depicted as transient and ephemeral within ambiguous environments that reverse or rearrange ordered thinking. Humanity is seen as suspended between aid and attack. or support and threat. while also intrinsically linked to the natural world Paradoxical relationships between nature and culture emerge.
Publication Details
M. T. Kelly 2005 Coalface; Choreography of War Reportage; Pathfinder Closing; The Catalyst, Lifting a Helpless Patient, Sparky the Culture Hero, Ground Control, Treatment for Hysteria, Artificial Respiration (Second position); Hydration Tactic - works of art exhibited in the exhibition Primavera Museum of Contemporary Art Sydney Museum of Contemporary Art 7 September - 13 November