Publication Details

Cahill, Rowan, 2011, 'Obituary: Kondelea (Della) Elliott (1917-2011)', The Hummer, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 46-53.

Additional Publication Information

This is a eulogy given by Rowan Cahill at the Ceremony celebrating the life of Della Elltott, held at the Australian National Maritime Museum in Sydney, Sydney, 31 October 2011.


In 1902 Lenin published the political tract which became a basic text for left-wing activists titled 'What is to be Done?'. Della Elliott tended not to ask that question; rather she saw what had to be done, and got in and did it. In the process, her doing was careful, meticulous, and professional; all the metaphorical'i's were dotted, and the 't's crossed. Moving away from metaphors to actualities, spelling had to be correct, and meanings clear.
