'Make a map, not a tracing': disclosing the cartographic aesthetic of Rimini Protokoll
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In this chapter the critical metaphor of the map is applied to account for the nomadic preoccupations intrinsic ro the group of artists constituting Rimini Prorokoll. In the analysis of the projects Hauptversammlung (Annual Shareholders Meeting) and Radio Muezzin, the chapter presents the argument that the group goes beyond simply dismantling the imagined fictional prerogative of theatre. Rather, Rimini ProrokolJ bypasses the hierarchical organizing principles of the medium to expose restricted, neglected or potentially unnoticed bodies and spaces in a constant project of experimentation that reformulates a range of forums into open-ended theatres of engagement with the real.
Publication Details
Hamilton, M. M. "'Make a map, not a tracing': Disclosing the Cartographic Aesthetic of Rimini Protokoll." Rimini Protokoll close-up: lektüren. Ed.J. Birgfeld, U. Garde & M. Mumford. Hannover: Wehrhahn Verlag, 2015, 72-91.