Introduction: Introducing the military-animal industrial complex



Publication Details

Salter, C. (2014). Introduction: Introducing the military-animal industrial complex. In C. Salter, A. J. Nocella II and J. K.C. Bentley (Eds.), Animals and War: Confronting the Military-Animal Industrial Complex (pp. 1-17). Lanham: Lexington Books.

Additional Publication Information

ISBN: 9780739186510


At its core, this volume is about peace in both its negative and pOsltJve conceptions. To put it simply, negative peace is the absence of war, of violent conflict. Positive peace, on the other hand, is a broader, progressive and affirmative vision of the world we want to see, and how we can Jive that change (Galtung and Jacobsen, 2000). A vision of positive peace is one that embraces conflict: an embrace of the idea that conflict happens for a reason. Conflict has the potential to facilitate inclusive and transformative change, change rooted in an tmderstanding of peace as justice. Conflict transfonnation is an ongoing and long-term process in which those enmeshed in a conflict come together, working toward building l1ealthy relationships and communities. Conflict transformation is not about resolution. There is no endpoint. A cenh·al element of conflict transformation is a rejection of limited, and most-often superficial, attempts by a third party to impose " solutions" on parties to a conflict.

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