R v Milat: A Case Study in Cross-Examination



Publication Details

Howard SC, D. M. (2014). R v Milat: A Case Study in Cross-Examination. Chatswood, NSW: LexisNexis Butterworths.

Additional Publication Information

ISBN: 9780409336849


This book is an annotated study of a cross-examination of an accused in a major criminal trial, .and reproduces the whole of the cross-examination. 1 Why write such a book? There are several reasons. The story behind the 1996 trial of serial killer Ivan Milat on seven counts of murder and one count of 'detain for advantage: while extremely tragic, is a gripping one. After a trial lasting nearly three months, the accused took the witness stand and gave his account of events, in which he denied any involvement in these horrific crimes. Then an inspired, careful and methodical cross-examination by a highly skilled prosecutor, Mark Tedeschi QC, drawing on the mass of incriminating evidence assembled by one of the largest police task forces ever established in Australia, emphatically demonstrated the overwhelming strength of the Crown's case to the extent that the defence case unravelled and was exposed for the sham it was. A study of this cross-examination reveals much about the art of advocacy and of questioning, and should greatly reward the reader who aspires to lift their skills as an advocate and communicator to a higher level. It will, I believe, appeal to barristers and any lawyer who wishes to improve their courtroom skills, and to anyone involved in the process of interviewing, interrogation or mediation. It will also appeal to the general reader who is interested in the processes of criminal justice.

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