Child sex offender demographic: towards an improved understanding



Publication Details

Mallett, X. and Karp, J. E. (2014). Child sex offender demographic: towards an improved understanding. In X. Mallett, T. Blythe and R. Berry (Eds.), Advances in Forensic Human Identification (pp. 59-77). Boca Raton, US: CRC Press.

Additional Publication Information

ISBN: 9781439825143


Since the 1990s, child sex offenders have been considered one of the ultimate dangerous criminal classes (lynch, 2002), and given the complex nature of these crimes, society regularly asks how best to protect children from sexual abuse. This question is becoming ever more pertient, as almost daily news agencies around the world cover new and historical cases of alleged child sexual abuse (CSA). This indicates that reporting rates may be imrpoving, possibly as a result of campaigns fighting CSA, but proving abuse has taken place, sometimes decades after the event, is extremely challenging.

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