Computers impact on many aspects of daily life and increasingly are utilized in a wide range of criminal activities. They facilitate actions which might come to be considered criminal but which, as yet, are not illegal and they have affected the nature of victimization. Inevitably police forces are having to come to terms with this new phenomenon. This article presents research undertaken by Sussex Police in identifying the extent of the potential problem (elsewhere previous studies have focused on the nature of the problem) and in formulating a response. The work was undertaken by a Computer Crime Working Group of 15 officers and specialist support staff, including the present authors. The Group's Report was submitted to the Sussex Police Crime Management Sub-Committee in December 1996.
Publication Details
A. Bliss & C. Harfield, 'The threat of computer crime: identifying the problem and formulating a response at force level.' (1998) 71 (1) The Police Journal 25-34.