This book presents an interdiscipJipary approach to the study of the relationship between traditional knowledge (TK.)/traditional cultural expressions (TCE) and intellectual property (IP) law in countries lof the Asia-Pacific region. It provides perspectives from various disciplines; in particular from IP law and international law, but also from legal sociology, anthropology, and media and communication studies. It ainis to add to the debate local perspectives from various parts of the Asia-Pacific region and from countries su6h as Indonesia, the Philippines, India, Sri Lanka, Alfstralia and New Zealand. As most of the terminology used in this debate isitself Stillthesubject ofdiscilssion, itseems illlportantto clarify the scope of this project at the outset.
Publication Details
Antons, C. (2009). Introduction. In C. Antons (Eds.), Traditional knowledge, traditional cultural expressions and intellectual property law in the Asia-Pacific region (pp. 1-36). Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International.