The Influence of Assessment in a Law Program on the Adoption of Deep Study Approaches
It is commonly accepted that assessment will influence the approach to learning a student will adopt. Exactly how this is influenced is considered in this paper together with the issue of which types of assessment are more likely to encourage a deep approach to learning in a law program. Other effects of assessment, such as anxiety and satisfaction levels, and their subsequent effect on a student's learning approach and level of understanding will also be considered. In support of the discussion the author draws on research which was conducted by using a semi-structured interview process with eleven students who had undertaken study in at least two law subjects. The research enabled a comparison of assessment influences across two universities as well as two disciplines.
Publication Details
E. Marchetti, 'The Influence of Assessment in a Law Program on the Adoption of Deep Study Approaches' (1997) 15 (2) Journal of Professional Legal Education 203-226.