International legal regulatory framework for seafarers and maritime security post 9/11
The terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001 have undoubtedly transformed the global security environment, and these changes necessarily extend to the maritime domain. Maritime security concerns encompass not only the security of maritime spaces, ships, and ports, but also security in respect of those charged with operating in the maritime environment and facilitating global seaborne trade - seafarers.
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Tsamenyi, B. M., Palma, M. & Schofield, C. H. (2008). International legal regulatory framework for seafarers and maritime security post 9/11. In R. Herbert-Burns, S. W. Bateman & P. Lehr (Eds.), Lloyd's MIU Handbook of Maritime Security (pp. 233-249). Boca Raton: CRC Press.