
Wendy Brady


Kathy wrote, ‘After the Olympics, we have a lifetime of memories. Australia is celebrating ... in an unprecedented way’. She continued, ‘After the joy, let’s not forget the low points of the year,’ these included: no apology from the Howard government to the Stolen Generations; the report from the United Nations Committee for the elimination of Racial Discrimination; mandatory sentencing; the state of Aboriginal health; and the failure of the federal government to sign the United Nations Convention for the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women’. It is not THE Cathy,1 but Kathy Malera Bandjalan(g)2 editor of the Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal. Freeman, she noted, demonstrated the dignity, beliefs and strengths of Aboriginal society in being able to survive against the odds (2). And pretty good too for a people who, according to the Minister for Reconciliation, ‘didn’t have chariots, I don’t think they invented the wheel’ {Koori Mail 2).



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