
Olive Senior


Four months after Jesse left for Kingston to find a husband, Ma Lou's grandson Devonshire came home from Col6n. Strutted in, was more like it. He arrived in fullblown Col6n style - a brown draped suit complete with watch chain with dangling charms and a fat gold watch inside his fob pocket, matching brown derby, yellow boots, and a walking stick with the head of a wolf carved in ivory on the handle. 'Dev, what a sweet-man you turn into,' Mama laughed when trailing the sweet smell of brillantine he came into the bedroom to pay his respects to her the minute hearrived. It was the first time in years Brid had heard her mother laugh. Dev didn't see Brid when he came for she shot out of sight as soon as she saw him approaching across the yard, but she had a good look at him; Brid was good at seeing through cracks in walls and half-pulled shutters, from behind closed doors and between floorboards. But Brid didn't like to be seen.



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