Publication Details

Su, Y., Win, K. T. & Fulcher, J. A. (2006). Electronic health record system evaluation based on patient safety. Proceedings: APAMI 2006 Asia Pacific Association for Medical Informatics: Towards Global Introperability for Electronic Health Records (pp. 154-159). Taiwan: Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics.


After describing the general characteristics of Electronic Health Records (EHRs), we consider patient safety. We then proceed to discuss IS evaluation in general terms, followed by HIS system evaluation in particular. The D&M IS Success model, Technology Acceptance model and Task-Technology Fit model are considered as potential candidates for EHR System evaluation. Based upon a critical review of the available literature, we draw some conclusions about the appropriateness of current HIS/EHR evaluation approaches. Finally, we suggest that by incorporating patient safety attributes in any EHR System evaluation framework, then this could lead to improved accuracy, and in turn improved patient care.
