Experience cycle methodology: a method for understanding the construct revision pathway



Publication Details

Oades, L. & Viney, L. L. (2012). Experience cycle methodology: a method for understanding the construct revision pathway. In P. Caputi, L. L. Viney, B. M. Walker & N. Crittenden (Eds.), Personal Construct Methodology (pp. 129-146). United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell.


Similar to Oades and Viney (2000), this chapter describes the Experience Cycle Methodology (ECM). After describing the Experience Cycle we outline the five principles that have guided the development of the ECM and consider important aspects of a semi-structured interview. We then provide three examples of the ECM involving stories from adolescents of their risk-taking experiences (Oades and Viney, 1997, 1999). We demonstrate how the model can be used quantitatively, using a sample of 121 Australian adolescents. This research empirically demonstrates relationships between the phases of the Experience Cycle as they relate to construct change. We propose a construct revision pathway, and provide empirical evidence that if construct change has occurred; it is likely that invalidation has occurred, tight predictions were made with high investment, or both . Suggestions for future use and modification of the ECM are provided including (a) prospective use of the ECM, (b) linking of the ECM with a diary methodology, and (c) further validation of this methodology, particularly refinements to the operationalization of investment and construct change.

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