Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Details

Collett, A. A. 2009, ''Of Sages and Sybils: Alec Hope and Judith Wright'', Australian Literary Studies, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 66-77.


'It comforts me' writes Alec to Judith in September 1964, 'that you are also engaged on a book of essays on Australian poetry. I have one about to come out on poetry in general (some Australian) and cannot help feeling that I ought not to be doing this sort of thing. Poets ought to write poetry not criticism. However, if you do it too that makes me feel better, like Adam and Eve and the apple' . Three years later he writes again, 'I have to go to Hobart soon to talk about you- the chief occupation of poets these days seems to be taking in one another's washing? to which she replies, 'I'm honoured to know you're talking about me in Hobart- since it's a reciprocal process for my talking about you in Brisbane. ' But in the later stages of her life Wright will complain that she is fed up with being always trotted out on the same platform, whether in literary review or stage performance, with Les and Alec.


