Document Type

Creative Work

Publication Details

Mary P. Finsterer, Rivers - Ionia, Cambelltown Arts Centre, premiered on 4 July 2009. Download mp3 file of work here. See also Australian Music Centre website.



Research Background

The research for this work originates from the thematic context in which the work was first presented – a programme entitled Rivers at The Campbelltown Arts Centre in 2009. As such, it draws on the philosophical premise that everything flows, nothing stands still. In the words of philosopher Heraclitus ‘On those stepping into rivers staying the same other and other waters flow’, connection is made between the physical predicament of Campbelltown as a city surrounded by rivers, and that of philosophical reflection.

Research Contribution

This work allowed the composer to explore how elements in music can be used as a conduit for the bringing together of varied and multiple streams of thought. ‘Ionia’ assembles multiple strands of ideas within one unified code or system.

Research Significance

This work featured in the inaugural composer–in–residency programme at The Campbelltown Arts Centre, Sydney. The success of the work has seen a subsequent performance by the Contiuum Sax in 2010 at the Eugene Goosens Hall, Sydney where it was recorded by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.



Ionia.mp3 (15769 kB)
Ionia - performance recording

1.pdf (2000 kB)
Rivers - program
