Design of Chirp Waveforms for Multiple-access Ultrasonic Indoor Positioning



Publication Details

M. Omar. Khyam, M. Noor-A-Rahim, X. Li, C. Ritz, Y. Liang. Guan & S. Sam. Ge, "Design of Chirp Waveforms for Multiple-access Ultrasonic Indoor Positioning," IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 18, (15) pp. 6375-6390, 2018.


In ultrasonic positioning systems (UPSs) chirp waveforms have attracted much attention due to its high range resolution. However, the multiple-access schemes for chirp-based UPS are limited. In its application to multiple-access ultrasonic positioning, effective waveform diversity design is a prerequisite. In a multiple-access UPS, each transmitter should transmit a unique waveform with impulse-like auto-correlation and relatively flat cross-correlations to the waveforms transmitted by other transmitters. Proposed in this paper is a methodology whereby multiple transmitters can transmit chirp signals simultaneously. The chirp waveforms are constructed by concatenating a number of linear sub-chirps of the same durations and bandwidths but different starting and stopping frequencies. This process is optimized by selecting sequences with impulse-like auto-correlations and relatively flat cross-correlations. Firstly, the efficiency of the proposed methodology is evaluated by several metrics and then, in an indoor environment, through simulations and experiments for ultrasonic positioning.

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