The gasification rate in CO2 of the coke analogue containing calcium oxide was studied using analogues doped with alumina (corundum), calcium aluminates (CA6, CA, C3A) and lime minerals. The coke analogue is a laboratory material with simplified carbon structure that has a mineral component with a particle size, size distribution and mineral dispersion that can be controlled. The main focus of this study was to quantitatively assess the effect of calcium in the mineral on the analogue’s reactivity. The analogues were reacted with CO2 isothermally in the temperature range of 1173–1623 K. It was found that the reaction rate increased with increasing CaO activity/number of moles of Ca in the mineral. The relative reaction rates (from lowest to highest) of the analogues doped were alumina, CA6, CA, C3A and lime. The relative apparent activation energies of the gasification from lowest to highest was lime, C3A, CA, CA6 and alumina.
Publication Details
Jayasekara, A. S., Monaghan, B. J. & Longbottom, R. J. (2018). The effect of calcium aluminates on the coke analogue gasification. Fuel: the science and technology of fuel and energy, 225 18-25.