Numerical Analysis of Titanium Compounds in Blast Furnace Hearth During Titania Addition



Publication Details

Komiyama, K. Matthew., Guo, B., Zughbi, H., Zulli, P. & Yu, A. (2015). Numerical Analysis of Titanium Compounds in Blast Furnace Hearth During Titania Addition. Steel Research International, 86 (6), 592-603.


The longevity of an iron making blast furnace is largely limited by the erosion of hearth refractory. The addition of titanium (Ti)-bearing materials into the furnace may promote so-called Ti-rich scaffolds along the damaged hearth lining. A Computational Fluid Dynamics model is used to investigate the complex transport phenomena associated with the formation and dissolution of solid particles. Based on the modeling results, the isotherm of the equilibrium temperature of the incoming hot metal solution can be used as an indicator for the extent and phase of Ti compounds. It is proposed that the particles can be managed by controlling the location of this isotherm. This can be conducted by either (a) altering the Ti dosage and concentration or (b) altering the hot metal pool temperature. The effects of these parameters on the solids holdup along the hearth refractory linings are investigated. The equilibrium isotherm concept may provide a more suitable way to control the location of Ti-based particles for furnace operators.

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