Emerging trends influencing marketing
The impact of changing technological trends on marketing is imperative. Lack of insight by marketers has resulted in the down fall of well-known brands. As insighful marketers adapt to key trends, others either ignore new advancements until their strategies run obsolete. The time used to bail firms out of such archaic circumstances might have placed competitors ahead. The traditional marketing elements that have been used previously to root brands have totally changed in the last decade with the rise of internet access, social media, and technological advancements. Contemporary marketing strategies are driven by some key trends which cannot be ignored anymore. Identifying such salient trends and their contribution to marketing strategy development is critical to success of modern-day firms. This study assesses literature on 14 trends based on discussions with industry experts and data from a global perspective.
Publication Details
Vel, P., Salih, A., Brobbey, C. A. & Jaheer, H. 2014, 'Emerging trends influencing marketing', 12th International Science Conference, WASET, Belgium, pp. 1-4.