Development of a large-area silicon x-particle detector



Publication Details

Tran, L. T., Prokopovich, D. A., Lerch, M. L.F., Petasecca, M., Siegele, R., Reinhard, M. I., Perevertaylo, V. L. & Rozenfeld, A. B. (2014). Development of a large-area silicon x-particle detector. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 92 96-101.


Circular ion-implanted silicon detector of a x-particles with large 5-cm square, sensitive area has been developed. An advantage of the detector is that the detector surface is easily cleanable with chemicals. The hardened surface of the detector shows no signs of deterioration of the spectroscopic and electrical characteristics upon repeated cleaning. The energy resolution along the diameters of the detecto and (1.0+=0.1) percent for the 5.486-Mev x-particles. Detailed tests of the charge collection efficiency and unifformity of the detector entrance window were also performed with a 5.5-MeV He2+ microbeam.

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