Introduction to the transformational government mini-track
Initially, e-Government was considered a technical phenomenon. However, in the last couple of years, research on this topic clearly showed its multidimensional nature and identified the importance of acknowledging strategic, political, managerial, organizational, stakeholder relationship, and environmental factors to understand and explain the ICT-enabled transformation of government. This mini-track examines the complex interplay among these factors that influence effective e-Government management and its transformational potential. Increasingly, this involves inter-organizational collaboration and the management of relationships with citizens, businesses, and other stakeholders.
Publication Details
Lips, A. B., Chatfield, A. Takeoka. & Gil-Garcia, J. Ramon. (2013). Introduction to the transformational government mini-track. Proceedings of the 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (pp. 2061-2061). United States: IEEE.