Publication Details

Arnold, P. (2013). Determining the geometry of mass-flow bins - some important considerations. ICBMH 2013 - 11th International Conference on Bulk Materials Storage, Handling and Transportation Australia: University of Newcastle.


It has taken some time to obtain general acceptance but in recent times, at least in Australia, competent designers of mass-flow bins use techniques based on the traditional concepts of Jenike to determine the appropriate geometry for mass-flow hoppers to handle bulk solids reliably. While the traditional Jenike design concepts may appear straightforward experience dictates that some important considerations need to be exercised during the design process, especially when handling the more difficult bulk solids, to ensure that the final bin construction performs to expectations. Some of the important considerations that this paper will highlight include: • Appropriate bulk solids sampling for flow property testwork; • Interpreting flow property test results; • Applying flow property test results to determine appropriate hopper geometries; • Detail design issues; • Special requirements for particular circumstances (eg segregation, fine powders); • Design auditing.
