Wheat protein prediction from climatic factors in southern New South Wales
The increasing significance of quality in the disposal of Australia's wheat production has been widely publicized (e.g. Callaghan 1969). Pre-harvest quality assessment, though long recognized overseas as an aid to marketing (King, McCarthy and McPeek 1942), has received little attention in this country. Clearly, pre-harvest quality assessment must rely either on crdp sampling or on estimation based upon factors known to influence or at least be associated with grain protein. As far as is known, only in Victoria has pre-harvest sampling, one to two weeks before maturity, been used to obtain protein estimztes for commercial purposes (H. J. Slms, personal communication ; Moss 1963).
Publication Details
Taylor, A. C. & Gilmour, A. R. (1971). Wheat protein prediction from climatic factors in southern New South Wales. australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, 11 546-549.