Design of multiple-layer microwave absorbing structure based on rice husk and carbon nanotubes



Publication Details

Seng, L. Yeng., Wee, F. H., Rahim, H. A., Abdulmalek, M., You, Y. K., Liyana, Z. & Ezanuddin, A. A. M. 2017, 'Design of multiple-layer microwave absorbing structure based on rice husk and carbon nanotubes', Applied Physics A: materials science and processing, vol. 123, no. 1, pp. 73-1-73-5.


This paper presents a multiple-layered microwave absorber using rice husk and carbon nanotube composite. The dielectric properties of each layer composite were measured and analysed. The different layer of microwave absorber enables to control the microwave absorption performance. The microwave absorption performances are demonstrated through measurements of reflectivity over the frequency range 2¿18 GHz. An improvement of microwave absorption <¿20 dB is observed with respect to a high lossy composite placed at bottom layer of multiple layers. Reflectivity evaluations indicate that the composites display a great potential application as wideband electromagnetic wave absorbers.

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