OCTOPUS Database v.2.2: The CRN Denudation Global collection [2024]
Project title
OCTOPUS Database v.2.2
Database of published cosmogenic Be-10 and Al-26 concentrations from modern river sediment and basin-averaged denudation rates inferred from these data. Ancillary spatial data includes: sample site location (point), basin outline (polygon), digital elevation model (raster), D8 flow direction and flow accumulation grids (raster), topographic gradient (raster), atmospheric pressure (raster), and cosmogenic nuclide production scaling factor and topographic shielding grids (raster). The vector spatial data uses the WGS84/Pseudo-Mercator (EPSG: 3857) projected coordinate reference system. The raster data uses the WGS86/UTM projected coordinate reference system, UTM zones depending on the extent and location of each data package. Sample metadata is comprehensive and includes all necessary information and input files for the recalculation of denudation rates using the CAIRN model (https://github.com/LSDtopotools/LSDTopoTools_CRNBasinwide). All denudation rates were recalculated and harmonised using CAIRN. The extent of the data is global, excluding Australia.
University of Wollongong
Publication year
Recommended citation
Codilean A.T., Munack H., 2024, OCTOPUS Database v.2.2: The CRN Denudation Global collection. Basin-averaged denudation rates from cosmogenic Be-10 and Al-26 abundances published up to 2024.
Collection period
Extent of Data
Global, excluding Australia
Software Required
Web browser + any desktop GIS
FoR codes (2020)
370399 Geochemistry not elsewhere classified, 370502 Geochronology, 370901 Geomorphology and earth surface processes, 370905 Quaternary environments
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.
Contact details
Email: codilean@uow.edu.au Phone: 02 4221 3426 Address: Building 41, SMAH/SEALS University of Wollongong, NSW, 2522