Cinema Papers
Cinema Papers #122 December 1997

Cinema Papers #122 December 1997

Scott Murray



inbits 2

inperspective 10 Inside the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. SOLRUN HOAAS

issues 12 Aboriginal Nations' 10-Step Programme. PAUL KALINA

festivals 14 45th Festival International de Cine, San Sebastian. BRUCE MOLLOY

pic review 16 The Titanic's re-berth.

Score! 18

Mandy Walker 22

Aberration 57

The Ugly 61

Comedy and Filmmaking in New Zealand 62

inreview 65 FILMS: Heaven o Burning, U Turn, The End of Violence, Will It Snow For Chriotmao. BOOKS: Crime See nee: Movie Poo ter Art of the Film Noir; The Cine die Period: 1911-1959, plus books received. SOUNDTRACK: Leo Parapluieo de Cherbourg

inproduction 73

dirty dozen 80