Publication Details

This article was originally published as: Kriflik, L, and Kriflik, GK, A world of flux requires information literacies in the community and workplace, International Journal of Learning, 12(1), 2005, 286-293. To reproduce this article seek permission from the publisher Common Ground.


This paper outlines two studies that explored alternative methodologies that assisted individuals to identify and critically reflect on their preferred way of being. Central to both studies is the importance of critical reflection as the pathway to fully informed decisions. In one study the researcher explored how managers considered information issues that influenced their leadership style, including the risks that stem from individual attitudes and actions. The other explored consumer reactions to food system risk and the information desired to reduce such risk. Both studies highlight the need to facilitate the enhancement of information literacies in the workplace and in community settings if people are to consciously choose their preferred way of being. Too often the assumption is that the provision of information is enough to bring about behaviour change. However, as Beck (1992) and Giddens (1991) have observed, in today’s world of flux individuals are confronted with an array of decisions that are complicated by both overwhelming information and competing personal priorities. Academics have a responsibility to champion those approaches derived from research that enhance individual ability to recognise the information needed, including how to source this and the capacity to evaluate and use this (Lupton 2004). This encompasses becoming conscious of the gaps in the information required and the identification of reflexivity when making decisions. This can lead to a challenging of the political context of information access, and result in the adoption of alternative behaviours. The two studies exemplify how individuals proficient in information literacies are more able to contribute positively in resolving both workplace issues and acting to achieve common social goals.

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International Journal of Learning
