Publication Details

Grant, R. G. (2004). Source of value online for recreational travellers: customer information needs in the buying process and internet capability. In M. Amberg & M. Hirschmeier (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2004 European Applied Business Research Conference, Ciber Research Institute (pp. 1-14). Scotland: The CIBER Research Institute.


The information needs of buyers of high involvement recreational travel products are potentially a source of customer value in their decision making process. The internet's ability to provide large amounts of information in real time with high levels of customer convenience are compounded by the ability to deliver information from multiple sources. In theory then, the internet seems able to largely replace the value delivered by retail travel intermediaries in the physical world. This critical review suggests however that the physical world intermediaries and online information sources are more likely to be complementary rather than competitive resources for shoppers for such products. The resulting conclusions offer suggestions on internet applications for principal travel service providers as well as wholesale package travel marketers and online retail intermediaries.
