Should employees accept their boss's Facebook `friend' request? Examining gender and cultural differences
This study examines gender and cultural differences in reactions and responses to a Facebook ‘friend’ request from the boss. The auhtors found respondents were more likely to have positive (e.g., pleased, honored) reactions followed by questionable reactions (e.g., worried, suspicious) and least likely to have negative reactions (e.g., disgusted, offended). Although most respondents would accept the request, many would have reservations about doing so. Contrary to expectations, no gender differences were found. Significant cultural differences were found such that U.S. respondents were more likely than German respondents to have negative and questionable reactions and German respondents were more likely than U.S. respondents to have positive reactions. Implications and suggestions for future research are then discussed.
Publication Details
Karl, K., Peluchette, J. V. & Schlagel, C. (2010). Should employees accept their boss's Facebook `friend' request? Examining gender and cultural differences. International Journal of Virtual Communities and Social Networking, 2 (3), 16-30.