The Centre for Archaeological Science was established at UOW in 2010 to develop, integrate and apply modern scientific techniques to answer fundamental questions about human evolution and the analysis of material remains of past human life and activities.


Papers from 2014

The chronostratigraphy of the Haua Fteah cave (Cyrenaica, northeast Libya), Katerina Douka, Zenobia Jacobs, Christine Lane, Rainer Grün, Lucy Farr, Chris Hunt, Robyn H. Inglis, Tim Reynolds, Paul Albert, Maxime Aubert, Victoria Cullen, Evan Hill, Leslie Kinsley, Richard G. Roberts, Emma L. Tomlinson, Sabine Wulf, and Graeme Barker


The evolution of a terrace sequence along the Manas River in the northern foreland basin of Tian Shan, China, as inferred from optical dating, Zhijun Gong, Sheng-Hua Li, and Bo Li


Facial approximation of 'Angel': case specific methodological review, Susan Hayes


A single-aliquot luminescence dating procedure for K-feldspar based on the dose-dependent MET-pIRIR signal sensitivity, Bo Li, Richard G. Roberts, Zenobia Jacobs, and Sheng-Hua Li


Assessing the time of final deposition of Youngest Toba Tuff deposits in the Middle Son Valley, northern India, Christina M. Neudorf, Richard G. Roberts, and Zenobia Jacobs


Testing a model of alluvial deposition in the Middle Son Valley, Madhya Pradesh, India - IRSL dating of terraced alluvial sediments and implications for archaeological surveys and palaeoclimatic reconstructions, Christina M. Neudorf, Richard G. Roberts, and Zenobia Jacobs


Preliminary results of dietary and environmental reconstructions of Early to Middle Pleistocene Stegodons from the So'a Basin of Flores, Indonesia, based on enamel stable isotope records, Mika Puspaningrum, Gerrit Van Den Bergh, Allan Chivas, Erick Setiabudi, Iwan Kurniawan, Adam Brumm, and Thomas Sutikna


Continuity of mammalian fauna over the last 200,000 y in the Indian subcontinent, Patrick Roberts, Eric Delson, Preston Miracle, Peter Ditchfield, Richard G. Roberts, Zenobia Jacobs, James Blinkhorn, Russell L. Ciochon, John G. Fleagle, Stephen R. Frost, Christopher C. Gilbert, Greg F. Gunnell, Terry Harrison, Ravi Korisettar, and Michael D. Petraglia


Taphonomy of Stegodon florensis remains from the early Middle Pleistocene archaeological site Mata Menge, Flores, Indonesia, Gerrit Van Den Bergh, Adam Brumm, Mika Puspaningrum, Erick Setiabudi, Iwan Kurniawan, and Unggul W. Prasetyo

A Late Pleistocene flaking surface from the 20-m Solo River Terrace, Central Java, Indonesia, Gerrit Van Den Bergh, Kira Westaway, Iwan Kurniawan, Michael Morwood, M Moore, Michael Storey, Erick Setiabudi, and Fachroel Aziz


Lower Pleistocene hominid paleobiodiversity in Southeast Asia: evidence for a Javanese pongine taxon, Clement Zanolli, Anne-Marie Bacon, Luca Bondioli, Jose Braga, Fabrice Demeter, Jean Dumoncel, Claudio Tuniz, and Roberto Macchiarelli

Papers from 2013

Eradicating bodies in invasive plant management, Jennifer Atchison and Lesley Head

Exploring human-plant entanglements: the case of Australian dioscorea yams, Jennifer Atchison and Lesley Head

Archaeological investigations in the Niah Caves, 1954-2004, Graeme Barker, Patrick Daly, Franca Cole, Lindsay Lloyd-Smith, Philip Piper, Ryan J. Rabett, and Katherine Szabo

Lack of chronological support for stepwise prehuman extinctions of Australian megafauna, Barry W. Brook, Corey J. A Bradshaw, Alan Cooper, Christopher N. Johnson, Trevor H. Worthy, Michael Bird, Richard Gillespie, and Richard G. Roberts

Residual doses and sensitivity change of post IR IRSL signals from potassium feldspar under different bleaching conditions, Yiwei Chen, Sheng-Hua Li, and Bo Li

Shrinking lakes in Tibet linked to the weakening Asian monsoon in the past 8.2 ka, Yiwei Chen, Yongqiang Zong, Bo Li, Shenghua Li, and Jonathan C. Aitchison


Beyond the Levant: first evidence of a Pre-Pottery Neolithic incursion into the Nefud Desert, Saudi Arabia, Remy Crassard, Michael D. Petraglia, Adrian G. Parker, Ash Parton, Richard G. Roberts, Zenobia Jacobs, Abdullah Alsharekh, Abdulaziz Al-Omari, Paul Breeze, Nick A. Drake, Huw S. Groucutt, Richard Jennings, Emmanuelle Regagnon, and Ceri Shipton


Micro-biomechanics of the Kebara 2 hyoid and its implications for speech in Neanderthals, Ruggero D'Anastasio, Stephen Wroe, Claudio Tuniz, Lucia Mancini, Deneb T. Cesana, Diego Dreossi, Mayoorendra Ravichandiran, Marie Attard, William C. H Parr, Anne Agur, and Luigi Capasso

Stone tools and foraging in northern Madagascar challenge Holocene extinction models, Robert E. Dewar, Chantal Radimilahy, Henry T. Wright, Zenobia Jacobs, Gwendolyn O. Kelly, and Francesco Berna


Faces of Homo floresiensis (LB1), Susan Hayes, Thomas Sutikna, and Michael Morwood

An improved OSL chronology for the Still Bay layers at Blombos Cave, South Africa: further tests of single-grain dating procedures and a re-evaluation of the timing of the Still Bay industry across southern Africa, Zenobia Jacobs, Elspeth H. Hayes, Richard G. Roberts, Rex F. Galbraith, and Christopher S. Henshilwood


Neandertal toolmakers left a leatherworking legacy, Zenobia Jacobs, Marie Soressi, and Shannon P. Mcpherron

Rapid megafaunal extinction following human arrival throughout the New World, Chris N. Johnson, Corey J. A Bradshaw, Alan Cooper, Richard Gillespie, and Barry W. Brook


Extending the age limit of luminescence dating using the dose-dependent sensitivity of MET-pIRIR signals from K-feldspar, Bo Li, Zenobia Jacobs, Richard G. Roberts, and Sheng-Hua Li


The effect of band-tail states on the thermal stability of the infrared stimulated luminescence from K-feldspar, Bo Li and Sheng-Hua Li


On the dose dependency of the bleachable and non-bleachable components of IRSL from K-feldspar: improved procedures for luminescence dating of Quaternary sediments, Bo Li, Richard G. Roberts, and Zenobia Jacobs


Early and middle holocene hunter-gatherer occupations in Western Amazonia: the hidden shell middens, Umberto Lombardo, Katherine Szabo, Jose M. Capriles, Jan-Hendrik May, Wulf Amelung, Rainer Hutterer, Eva Lehndorff, Anna Plotzki, and Heinz Veit

Paleoanthropologically significant South African sea caves dated to 1.1-1.0 million years using a combination of U-Pb, TT-OSL and palaeomagnetism, Robyn Pickering, Zenobia Jacobs, Andy I.R Herries, Panagiotis Karkanas, Miryam Bar-Matthews, Jon Woodhead, Peter Kappen, Erich Fisher, and Curtis W. Marean

Neandertals made the first specialized bone tools in Europe, Marie Soressi, Shannon P. Mcpherron, Michel Lenoir, Tamara Dogandzic, Paul Goldberg, Zenobia Jacobs, Yolaine Maigrot, Naomi L. Martisius, Christopher E. Miller, William Rendu, Michael Richards, Matthew M. Skinner, Teresa E. Steele, Sahra Talamo, and Jean-Pierre Texier

Identifying worked shell: a consideration of methodological issues with particular reference to Pleistocene contexts, Katherine Szabo

The 'Metal Age' at the niah Caves, c. 2000-500 years ago, Katherine Szabo, Franca Cole, Lindsay Lloyd-Smith, Graeme Barker, Chris Hunt, Philip Piper, and Chris Doherty

Shell midden from the Batanes excavations, Katherine Szabo, Shawna Hsiu-Ying Yang, Timothy Vitales, and Brent Koppel

Controls on the genesis, sedimentary architecture, and preservation potential of dryland alluvial successions in stable continental interiors: insights from the incising Modder River, South Africa, Stephen Tooth, P John Hancox, Dion Brandt, Terence S. McCarthy, Zenobia Jacobs, and Stephan Woodborne

Papers from 2012

Engraved prehistoric Conus shell valuables from southeastern Papua New Guinea: their antiquity, motifs and distribution, Wal Ambrose, Fiona Petchey, Pamela Swadling, Harry Beran, Elizabeth Bonshek, Katherine Szabo, Simon Bickler, and Glenn Summerhayes


Beeswax as dental filling on a Neolithic human tooth, Federico Bernardini, Claudio Tuniz, Alfredo Coppa, Lucia Mancini, Diego Dreossi, Diane Eichert, Gianluca Turco, Matteo Biasotto, Filippo Terrasi, Nicola De Cesare, Quan Hua, and Vladimir Levchenko

Wind v water: glacial maximum records from the Willandra Lakes, James Bowler, Richard Gillespie, Harvey Johnston, and Katarina Boljkovac

An early and enduring advanced technology originating 71,000 years ago in South Africa, Kyle S. Brown, Curtis W. Marean, Zenobia Jacobs, Benjamin J. Schoville, Simen Oestmo, Erich C. Fisher, Jocelyn Bernatchez, Panagiotis Karkanas, and T Matthews


Slip rate of the Aksay segment of Altyn Tagh Fault revealed by OSL dating of river terraces, Yiwei Chen, Sheng-Hua Li, and Bo Li


Experimental and computational simulation of beta-dose heterogeneity in sediment, Alastair C. Cunningham, Daniel J. De Vries, and Dennis R. Schaart


Realizing the potential of fluvial archives using robust OSL chronologies, Alastair C. Cunningham and Jakob Wallinga

New excavations at the site of Contrebandiers Cave, Morocco, Harold L. Dibble, V Aldeias, Esteban Alvarez-Fernandez, Bonnie Blackwell, Emily Hallett-Desguez, Zenobia Jacobs, Paul Goldberg, Sam C. Lin, Andre Morala, Michael C. Meyer, Deborah Olszewski, Kaye Reed, Zeljko Rezek, Daniel Richter, Richard Roberts, Dennis Sandgathe, Utsav Schurmans, Anne Skinner, Teresa Steele, and Mohamed El-Hajraoui


Testing a multi-step post-IR IRSL dating method using polymineral fine grains from Chinese loess, Xiao Fu, Bo Li, and Sheng-Hua Li

Man and megafauna in Tasmania: Closing the gap, Richard Gillespie, Aaron B. Camens, Trevor H. Worthy, Nicholas J. Rawlence, Craig Reid, Fiona Bertuch, Vladimir Levchenko, and Alan Cooper

Luminescence characteristics and dose distributions for quartz and feldspar grains from Mumba rockshelter, Tanzania, Luke A. Gliganic, Zenobia Jacobs, and Richard G. Roberts

New ages for middle and later Stone Age deposits at Mumba rockshelter, Tanzania: optically stimulated luminescence dating of quartz and feldspar grains, Luke Gliganic, Zenobia Jacobs, Richard Roberts, M Dominguez-Rodrigo, and A Mabulla


Study of the relationship between infrared stimulated luminescence and blue light stimulated luminescence for potassium-feldspar from sediments, Zhijun Gong, Bo Li, and Sheng-Hua Li


Approximating the face of 'Aunty': a question of likeness, Susan Hayes, Hallie Buckley, Richard Bradley, Nick Milne, and John Dennison


Police witness identification images: a geometric morphometric analysis, Susan Hayes and Cameron Tullberg

Ingrained: a human bio-geography of wheat, Lesley M. Head, Jennifer Atchison, and Alison Gates


Archaeological science in Australia: integrating across disciplines and scales of analysis, Zenobia Jacobs

Single-grain OSL chronologies for Middle Palaeolithic deposits at El Mnasra and El Harhoura 2, Morocco: Implications for Late Pleistocene human-environment interactions along the Atlantic coast of northwest Africa, Zenobia Jacobs, Richard Roberts, Roland Nespoulet, M A. El Hajraoui, and Andre Debenath


Determining the cooling age using luminescence-thermochronology, Bo Li and Sheng-hua Li


A reply to the comments by Thomsen et al. on "Luminescence dating of K-feldspar from sediments: a protocol without anomalous fading correction", Bo Li and Shenghua Li


Luminescence dating of Chinese loess beyond 130 ka using the non-fading signal from K-feldspar, Bo Li and Shenghua Li


Holocene environmental changes in central Inner Mongolia revealed by luminescence dating of sediments from the Sala Us River valley, Sheng-Hua Li, Jimin Sun, and Bo Li


Pleistocene survivors and Holocene extinctions: the giant rats from Liang Bua (Flores, Indonesia), Elisa Locatelli, Rokhus Awe Due, Gerrit D. van den Bergh, and Lars W. Van Den Hoek Ostende

High-throughput sequencing of ancient plant and mammal DNA preserved in herbivore middens, Daithi C. Murray, Stuart G. Pearson, Richard L. Fullagar, Brian M. Chase, Jayne Houston, Jennifer Atchison, Nicole E. White, Matthew I. Bellgard, Edward Clarke, Mike Macphail, M. Thomas P. Gilbert, James Haile, and Michael Bunce

Melting ice sheets 400,000 yr ago raised sea level by 13 m: past analogue for future trends, David L. Roberts, Panagiotis Karkanas, Zenobia Jacobs, Curtis W. Marean, and Richard Roberts


Fossils of Stegodon and Varanus komodoensis Sumba and Flores: a Pleistocene landbridge, Erick Setiyabudi, Iwan Kurniawan, and Gerrit Van Den Bergh

Afromontane foragers of the Late Pleistocene: site formation, chronology and occupational pulsing at Melikane Rockshelter, Lesotho, Brian A. Stewart, Genevieve I. Dewar, Mike W. Morley, Robyn H. Inglis, Mark Wheeler, Zenobia Jacobs, and Richard G. Roberts


The Tangarutu invertebrate fauna, Katherine Szabo and Atholl Anderson

Marine resource exploitation on Rapa Island: archaeology, material culture and ethnography, Katherine Szabo, Yolanda Vogel, and Atholl Anderson

The teleconference and its implications for geographical knowledge-sharing, Gordon R. Waitt, Michael Adams, Jennifer Atchison, Lesley Head, Michael Jones, Pat Macquarie, Katarina Saltzman, Gunhild Setten, and Marie Stenseke

Johann Carl Vogel (7 September 1932-30 January 2012), Ann Wintle, Zenobia Jacobs, and Siep Talma

Papers from 2011

Foraging-farming transitions at the Niah Caves, Sarawak, Borneo, Graeme Barker, Llindsay Lloyd-Smith, Huw Barton, Franca Cole, Chris Hunt, Philip J. Piper, Ryan Rabett, Victor Paz, and Katherine A. Szabo


Continental aridification and the vanishing of Australia's megalakes, Timothy J. Cohen, Gerald C. Nanson, John D. Jansen, B. G. Jones, Zenobia Jacobs, P Treble, David M. Price, Jan-Hendrik May, A Smith, Linda K. Ayliffe, and John C. Hellstrom


Extracting storm-surge data from coastal dunes for improved assessment of flood risk, Alastair C. Cunningham, Marcel A. J Bakker, Sytze van Heteren, Bert van der Valk, Ad J. F van der Spek, Dennis R. Schaart, and Jakob Wallinga


Expectations of scatter in equivalent-dose distributions when using multi-grain aliquots for OSL dating, Alastair C. Cunningham, Jakob Wallinga, and Philip S. J Minderhoud


Observation of unstable fast component in OSL of quartz, Anchuan Fan, Sheng-Hua Li, and Bo Li


Un hombre de San Juan: aproximación facial en antropología, Susan Hayes

What's wrong with this picture? an experiment in quantifying accuracy in 2D portrait drawing, Susan Hayes and Nick Milne

A fine-grained study of the experience of drought, risk and climate change among Australian wheat farming households, Lesley M. Head, Jennifer Atchison, Alison Gates, and Pat Muir

A 100,000-year-old ochre-processing workshop at Blombos Cave, South Africa, Zenobia Jacobs, Christopher S. Henshilwood, Francesco d'Errico, Karen Van Niekerk, S-E Lauritzen, Y Coquinot, R Garcia-Moreno, and M Menu

Development of the SAR TT-OSL procedure for dating Middle Pleistocene dune and shallow marine deposits along the southern Cape coast of South Africa, Zenobia Jacobs, Richard G. Roberts, Terry J. Lachlan, Panagiotis Karkanas, Curtis W. Marean, and David Roberts

The origin and development of the Nyl River floodplain wetland, Limpopo Province, South Africa: trunk-tributary river interactions in a dryland setting, Zenobia Jacobs, Stephen Tooth, M Thompson, T.S. McCarthy, D Brandt, M D. Rowberry, P M. Marren, S Woodborne, W N. Ellery, and P J. Hancox


Luminescence dating of K-feldspar from sediments: a protocol without anomalous fading correction, Bo Li and Sheng-Hua Li


Thermal stability of infrared stimulated luminescence of sedimentary K-feldspar, Bo Li and Sheng-Hua Li


Infrared stimulated luminescence measurements of single grains of K-rich feldspar for isochron dating, Bo Li, Sheng-Hua Li, Geoffrey A. T Duller, and Ann G. Wintle


Isochron dating of sand-loess-soil deposits from the Mu Us Desert margin, central China, Bo Li, Sheng-Hua Li, and Jimin Sun


Anomalous fading: a reply to the comment by Huntley on "Isochron measurements of naturally irradiated K-feldspar grains", Bo Li, Sheng-Hua Li, Ann G. Wintle, and Hui Zhao


Reply to comment by Huntley on "Isochron dating of sediments using luminescence of K-feldspar grains", Bo Li, Sheng-Hua Li, and Hui Zhao

Environmental implications of micromammals accumulated close to the MIS 6 to MIS 5 transition at Pinnacle Point Cave 9 (Mossel Bay, Western Cape Province, South Africa), T. Matthews, A. Rector, Zenobia Jacobs, A. I. R. Herries, and Curtis Marean

People of the ancient rainforest: Late Pleistocene foragers at the Batadomba-lena rockshelter, Sri Lanka, Nimal Perera, Nikos Kourampas, Ian A. Simpson, Siran U. Deraniyagala, David Bulbeck, Johan Kamminga, Jude Perera, Dorian Fuller, Katherine A. Szabo, and Nuno V. Oliveira

Single-grain OSL dating at La Grotte des Contrebandiers ('Smugglers' Cave'), Morocco: improved age constraints for the Middle Paleolithic levels, Richard Roberts, Zenobia Jacobs, Michael C. Meyer, V Aldeias, M A. El Hajraoui, and H Dibbie


Commentary on Farbstein, R. "Technologies of art", Katherine Szabo

Molluscs in a world of islands: The use of shellfish as a food resource in the tropical island Asia-Pacific region, Katherine A. Szabo and Judith R. Amesbury

Papers from 2010

Wheat as food, wheat as industrial substance; comparative geographies of transformation and mobility, Jennifer Atchison, Lesley M. Head, and Alison Gates

A high resolution and continuous isotopic speleothem record of paleoclimate and paleoenvironment from 90 to 53 ka from Pinnacle Point on the south coast of South Africa, Miryam Bar-Matthews, Curtis Marean, Zenobia Jacobs, Panagiotis Karkanas, Erich Fisher, Andy Herries, Kyle Brown, Hope Williams, Jocelyn Bernatchez, Avner Ayalon, and Peter Nilssen

The last interglacial sea-level high stand on the southern Cape coastline of South Africa, Andrew Carr, Mark Bateman, David Roberts, C. V. Murray-Wallace, Zenobia Jacobs, and Peter Holmes


Selection of integration time intervals for quartz OSL decay curves, Alastair C. Cunningham and Jakob Wallinga

An OSL chronology for the sedimentary deposits from Pinnacle Point Cave 13B-A punctuated presence, Zenobia Jacobs


What did grinding stones grind? New light on early Neolithic subsistence economy in the Middle Yellow River Valley, China, Li Liu, Judith Field, Richard Fullagar, Sheahan Bestel, Xingcan Chen, and Xiaolin Ma

A functional analysis of grinding stones from an early holocene site at Donghulin, North China, Li Liu, Judith Field, Richard Fullagar, Chaohong Zhao, Xingcan Chen, and Jincheng Yu

Still Bay and serrated points from Umhlatuzana Rock Shelter, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa, Marlize Lombard, Lyn Wadley, Zenobia Jacobs, Moleboheng Mohapi, and Richard G. Roberts

Timing and dynamics of Late Pleistocene mammal extinctions in southwestern Australia, Gavin Prideaux, G. Gully, Aidan Couzens, Linda Ayliffe, Nathan Jankowski, Zenobia Jacobs, Richard G. Roberts, John Hellstrom, M. Gagan, and Lindsay Hatcher

The archaic and puzzling record of Lake Xere Wapo, New Caledonia, Janelle Stevenson, Richard Gillespie, Geoffrey Hope, Geraldine Jacobsen, Stewart Fallon, and Vladimir Levchenko

Human adaption and plant use in Highland New Guineea 49,000 to 44,000 years ago, Glenn Summerhayes, Matthew Leavesley, Andrew Fairbairn, Hermann Mandui, J. Field, Anne Ford, and Richard Fullagar


Shell Artefacts and Shell-Working within the Lapita Cultural Complex, Katherine A. Szabo

I lettori di ossa, Claudio Tuniz, Richard Gillespie, and Cheryl Jones