The future leadership of local government: a grass roots approach



Publication Details

Crothers, R., Sense, A. & Cox, A. (2012). The future leadership of local government: a grass roots approach. In P. Dalziel (Eds.), Refereed Proceedings of the Australia and New Zealand Regional Science Association International (ANZRSAI) Conference (pp. 69-80). Canterbury, New Zealand: AERU Research Unit.


A significant contributor to any community is Local Government. Local Government provides significant infrastructure and community/cultural services. The Department of Local Government, NSW as part of its 'Destination 2036' Plan highlights a core aspect of local government's ability to continue to deliver services in a sustainable long term manner is leadership. Local government authorities must be able to understand and act on issues of sourcing and competing for talent. This research is focused on one stream of future potential leaders which has had little attention paid to it - early entry professional recruits such as cadets and/or graduates. It will profile what is currently occurring in respect to early entry professional recruits in the local government sector in order to develop a framework for how councils might formulate and deploy more appropriate strategies to attract, nurture and retain this stream of future potential leaders. These strategies will include councils collaborating within their region and across regions at the sector level.

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