Publication Details

This report was originally published as Philip, R, Parrish, D, Lefoe, G and O'Reilly, M, ascilite Report 5 for the Carrick Exchange Project: International Perspective, Wollongong, NSW, The Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education, 2008. Original report available here


This is the fifth report completed by ascilite for the Carrick Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education to inform the development of the Carrick Exchange. It complements research findings discussed in four previous ascilite reports (Reports 1-4). Report 5 is a synthesis of particular international research and experience regarding the building of communities to support teaching and learning in higher education, and repository development and implementation. The ascilite research continues to explore emerging themes, issues and concerns regarding engagement of the Australian higher education sector with the Carrick Exchange initiative, identification of resources and methods of contribution, and peer review and commentary that support and enable sharing and reuse. This report is based on the findings of a symposium held in Singapore, December 2007, at the 24th annual ascilite conference, and input from the literature in the form of three papers published in the ascilite conference proceedings and presented at the symposium.
