This thesis deals with the electrochemical synthesis of a water soluble polyaniline derivative, 2-methoxy aniline-5-sulfonic acid (2-MAS), under hydrodynamic conditions. The electrochemical characteristics of the monomer (2-MAS) were studied. The effect of electrolyte composition, concentration of monomer and temperature on the polymerization process was investigated in a stationary cell. The electrochemical polymerization of 2-MAS was undertaken at a feed composition of 0.5M 2-MAS in 0.5M ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH) in the flow-through cell system designed for mass production of soluble conductive polymers. With the aid of UV-VIS, GPC and HPLC, the effect of appUed potential, polymerization time and the flow rate through the cell on the hydrodynamic electropolymerization process were investigated.
Thesis type
Masters thesis
University of Wollongong
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